About us

History and vision of the CTRC

A generous grant from the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) and the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF) lead to the creation, in December 2015, of the Canadian Traumatic brain injury Research Consortium (CTRC). This consortium, co-chaired by Drs. Alexis Turgeon and Jamie Hutchison, now includes over 200 members across Canada.
The CTRC was created to enhance collaborations amongst Canadian scientists working on different aspects of the continuum of care for traumatic brain injury patients, i.e. including prevention strategies, caring for patients in the critical phases following their accident, up to ensuring their continued rehabilitation and long-term optimal physical and psychological care.  To do so, we encourage communication and collaboration between not only adult and pediatric scientists working on similar objectives, but also scientists working in basic, translational and clinical sciences. This synergistic cooperation will contribute to position Canada as one of the world leaders in traumatic brain injury.


“Create an open, collegial and innovative Canadian TBI Research Consortium (CTRC) to lead world-class research, harmonize data collection  and Knowledge translate best practices for people with TBI in hospitals and in their communities.”


  1. Improve care for patients with traumatic brain injury
  2. Build strong links with traumatic brain injury patients and their representatives
  3. Improve patient survival, functional outcomes and quality of life following traumatic brain injury
  4. Standardize and knowledge translate better risk stratification and determine prognosis in order to improve health services to patients and their caregivers
  5. Harmonize our research activities with international research efforts
  6. Support current researchers in their work and train the next generation of leaders in traumatic brain injury research.

Members and membership

CTRC membership is open to all Canadian-based researchers, healthcare professionals, research coordinators, knowledge users and trainees involved in traumatic brain injury research. We welcome all applications for membership and ensure that they meet the CTRC’s criteria.

An annual membership fee applies as indicated here.



Executive Committee

Our core values

  • Openness
  • Collaboration
  • Collegiality