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Black, Amanda

Location University of Calgary City Calgary Contact

Black, Amanda

Dr. Black is an assistant professor and certified athletic therapist trained in epidemiology and mixed methods research. She completed her specialized Honours BSc in Kinesiology and Health Science in 2009 and MSc in 2012 at York University as well as a PhD with a specialization in Sport Medicine at the University of Calgary in 2017.

Dr Black’s research is applied with a focus primarily in injury prevention, clinical intervention and implementation science. Her research in concussion spans across the spectrum of prevention with projects examining the epidemiology, diagnostic tools, and education to help manage concussion and tools to track recovery. Throughout her research training, she has worked as a Certified Athletic Therapist on the field and in the clinic. She also worked as a non-physician expert in the acute sport concussion clinic. Core projects focus on: 1) injury surveillance and epidemiology, 2) evidence-based practice and knowledge translation, and 3) theory-driven implementation, behavior change and evaluation. Her research interests include:  injury prevention, sports-related concussion management and education, injury surveillance methodology, behavior change, evidence-based athletic therapy practices and protocols, knowledge translation, implementation science, evidence- based sports medicine and public health.