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Green, Robin

Location Toronto Rehabilitation Institute City Toronto Contact
(416) 597-3422 ext. 7606

Green, Robin

Dr. Robin Green is the Saunderson Chair in Acquired Brain Injury, a Senior Scientist, co-lead of the Schroeder Brain Institute and head of the Brain Discovery & Recovery Team at KITE, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network. She is also a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Head of the Cognitive & Social Sciences Stream at the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute at the University of Toronto.

Dr. Robin Green’s program of research addresses brain and behavioural mechanisms of recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI). Her lab has shown that in addition to beneficial mechanisms that support recovery, there are deleterious mechanisms in the sub-acute and chronic stages of injury giving rise to cognitive and neural deterioration. Moreover, her lab recently demonstrated that volumetric losses to the whole-brain, hippocampus and corpus callosum are substantive and affect the large majority of patients.

Her lab is focused on re-conceptualizing TBI as a chronic and possibly neurodegenerative disease process; this novel conception is needed in order to identify parallels with other forms of neurodegeneration in order to open new avenues of treatment. A converging program of research concerns chronic traumatic encephalopathy – another progressive disorder secondary to TBI, but the result of multiple mild events. Encouragingly, the lab has found an association between “environmental enrichment” and reduced neurodegeneration in TBI. Using findings from these basic research programs, she is currently engaged in the development of interventions to improve cognitive and neural recovery by offsetting deterioration using environmental enrichment in concert with other clinical interventions. She recently founded the Telerehab Centre for Acquired Brain Injury, a provincial research centre for people with enduring effects of brain injuries/concussion, which provides clinical care remotely to patients across Ontario.

Other appointments: Associate Member at the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, the Institute of Medical Science and the Collaborative Program in Neuroscience (CPIN), University of Toronto. She is also an Associate Member at the Graduate Department of Psychological Clinical Science, University of Toronto Scarborough.