Swaine, Bonnie
Swaine, Bonnie
Dr. Bonnie Swaine, PT, PhD is a full professor of the Physical Therapy program, Université de Montréal, as well as a scientist and the co-scientific director of CRIR, the Centre for interdisciplinary research in rehabilitation of Greater Montréal. From 2004-2012 she held FRQS Junior and Senior Research Scientists awards and her research program focused on opening up the box of traumatic brain injury (TBI) rehabilitation services.
Her research focuses on improving the quality of rehabilitation services for persons with a (TBI) and for other patient populations. She has investigated the risk of second head injury in youth as well as the link between TBI and suicide in children, youth and adults. Her work has also focused on TBI rehabilitation service delivery in Québec for mental health issues and on the development, adaptation and implementation of clinical practice guidelines for the rehabilitation for persons with moderate or severe TBI. Her expertise includes qualitative and quantitative methods in the areas of health services research, clinical measurement and evaluative research.
She was the recipient of the REPAR career award for excellence in rehabilitation research in 2015 and the Jane Gillett Research award in 2016 from the Brain Injury Association of Canada.